.. while driving and being flooded with all these wonderful impressions and situations one can't help but think about life and it's deeper meaning. it just comes naturally. I mean, living in New York, the capitol of fast pace and strange city habits, one does loose contact to the real world. being out here on the road confronts you with how beautiful and meaningful life really is. the slow and steady feeling - so important - comes back and makes more sense than ever. it's not about surviving life, its about enjoying life. every single minute. I always tried to live my life that way, but sometimes one keeps forgetting about it while wrapped up in daily hectic life.
I am very grateful that I can afford to travel across this country and at same time doing what I love to do most : creating unique and touching imagery. photographing with this classic 4x5 linhof analog camera asks for a calm but yet very alert approach for the situation that unfolds in front of one's eyes. it's so wonderful to just go with the instincts and let things happen. even though I can't show the images taken with the linhof camera on the blog, I can tell that these images are totally different and peaceful in many ways. the idea of the book following this epic journey is growing more and more in the right direction. and that makes me very happy.
it takes a while to calm down and get into the Barracuda mode once one returns to the road trip from a job, but it is so wonderful to get this feeling back again, that it's hard to find words. both the classic car and the classic camera are taking you to a totally different energy level. priceless. I think I will start to do my drawings again. even while on the road trip.